
love married life

Friday, November 11, 2011

the mouse

First off, we love our basement apartment. It is so fun and roomy and we love every bit of it. I just have to share a little story... It was our third day in the apartment and I had my mom and sister help me arrange our place and I was in the kitchen. As I turned my head I saw out of the corner of my eye this little fast thing run underneath the stove. I was sure it was a mouse and was scared out of my mind. I told Lloyd and he said we would wait to see if anything came up and he would go get mouse traps. Well two days later Lloyd  saw the mouse run under the stove as well. That day he went out and got mouse traps. I was hoping when we woke up the next morning it would be there but there was nothing. That night I had craft night with the girls and I got a call from Lloyd telling me that the mouse was in the trap and it just happened because it was still alive. He sounded so stressed and scared. I must admit I had a hard time not laughing. That phone call was quite funny. Us girls had a good laugh with that. Lloyd got rid of it and everything was great! I was so relieved and grateful the mouse was gone. To make sure the mouse was the only one in the house, we kept the traps up for another month and there was nothing. So everything turned out great and we are good to go now. I am so grateful for my brave husband for taking care of that!

the day up on campus

 Lloyd's Chinese Essay...
He is such a great student

Lloyd attends BYU and has always wanted me to come up to campus with him and study. So it happened today! I had the day off since it's Veteran's Day so we walked up on campus and studied together. I can tell you that people are very interesting. It was fun to sit and watch and observe people while they studied together. I am an observer and while Lloyd was in class I thought it was a fun time to observe. He thinks I stare at people too much. Which I probably do, but I like to observe. 
I cannot believe how many different languages you can hear up here on BYU campus. I looked around and there were 4 different groups all talking in 4 different languages. I had to smile at that because it just amazes me. I don't know of any other place that you can hear all that. 
It was so fun to spend time with my amazing husband up on campus. He was so cute to show me around and let me go to the BYU bookstore to look around. He took me to lunch and we both got to study together. I hope we get to do this again. I am so grateful for all the time I get to spend with Lloyd. It is my favorite thing in the world. 

the craft night

Myself, Alice, Ashlee, Mandi, and Whitney

Not only does the wonderful Winkelman family have tons of fun nights together and parties and dinner nights, they do a GIRLS craft night once a month. It is so fun and good to get out with the girls. So every second Thursday of the month, we get together. Last month we were at Mandi's and we made the cutest pillows. We put Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations on them and they turned out awesome. They are on my couches now. :) Last night it was my turn. I forgot I had volunteered myself to do the craft this month so I was stressing about what we would do. So I turned to my Aunt Julie who is the best and she gave me a great idea. She makes the cutest Christmas tags that you put on presents and they have the to and from on them. So we made them and everyones turned out so great. Although I wish I was a little more creative with mine. I am not the most crafty woman out there so I have to turn to people for help. Thanks to my sister in-laws and mother in law for such a fun night. I love spending time with them and getting to catch up with everyone. Our talks are always the best, it consists of mostly laughter. 
While us girls have our craft night, the boys are starting to get together as well and watch their football :) Lloyd said they have a blast and he looks forward to it every month. Thank you Winkelman's!