
love married life

Monday, November 11, 2013

Missionaries Missionaries Missionaries

We have had the best time with the missionaries here in Taiwan. They are all so amazing and so fun. They have truly helped me feel at home and made me realize I can do things that I never thought I could. It has been so fun helping them teach investigators and helping them find investigators.
We have different sets of missionaries who we just love and adore. Right now we are in the mission presidents branch along with the assistant missionaries. Their names are Elder Lin and Elder Wong. They are so amazing and have the best attitudes. We have taught a lesson with them and enjoyed their sweet testimonies.
We had another set of Elders at our house for dinner this past Sunday. They are amazing as well. They work so hard and were able to give Lloyd a blessing when he was feeling pretty sick. Elder Christianson and Elder Brown. They are so good together. They ran into a couple that lives in our apartment building and we have an appointment set up with them now for this week. It has been so exciting. They bring the Spirit into our apartment everytime.
Sister Wadsworth and Sister Johnston

Sister Bell and her companion

Sister Bell and I outside of Costco

The Sister missionaries are darling. They are right outside our area, but we are still able to meet with them and chat with them. They live close to the Costco that is here in Taichung. So we get to take them with us on their p-day so they can go in and shop. Today was one of those days. I had two sets of sister missionaries with me. Can I just say they are the coolest. I love being around their happy faces. They are so happy and positive. We shopped for them for about an hour and ate down in the Costco food place. It was so great and I am so happy that I get to spend some time with them. One of the sisters is from Park City, Utah and attended Utah State University. She is darling and I feel like we are a lot alike and we get along great.
I think it would be incredibly hard to serve a mission. I am grateful I have the opportunity to be here in Taiwan with them and learn from them. They have taught me so much about this life here on earth. I am SO grateful for them. I feel like I can make it here just because of the gospel. I don't know how I would be doing this without the gospel.
I am also so grateful for my cute brother Kevin for serving a mission right now in Ukraine. Being here has shown me how tough a mission can be and it gives me so much more respect for my little brother and I am so grateful for his hard work.
SO- Missionaries are the BEST!

1 comment:

  1. Court you are incredible! There is no way I could live in a foreign country for 2 years. It will be such a neat experience though and I'm sure the missionaries love having you around as much as you love having them around.
