
love married life

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving in Taiwan.

One of my most favorite holidays...Thanksgiving. I love this holiday and love spending it with family. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family to share it with. This year, since we are out of the country, I was a little nervous about how it would turn out with no family here and not being in America, but it was wonderful. I will remember this Thanksgiving forever.
Since they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Taiwan, I thought it would be fun to share it with my English class. So for lunch, we went to Outback steakhouse for some food. Although it was not turkey and mashed potatoes it still felt like a holiday because we went around the circle and shared what we were thankful for. It felt warm and joyful during that lunch. I was grateful I could go out and spend the holiday with people like family here. They really have become my second family. I am so grateful to all of them for everything they do for me. It has been a journey trying to feel comfortable here and if it were not for the employees that work with Lloyd, I know it would be a struggle for me here. They are always asking how I am doing and if I need anything. They take me out to explore new things and places and I love spending my time with them. Wether it is out to eat or shopping, I enjoy learning new things. I am so grateful I have had the experiences that I have had and for the upcoming ones. It has been a total adventure for Lloyd and I living in Taiwan. We have both learned so much already and love the people here so much. They are amazing people and are beautiful inside and out.
Happy Thanksgiving at Outback!
Lloyd usually works late, so I asked if he could get off a little bit earlier on Thanksgiving since he had to work. (What?? Yeah I know, lame!) But here they don't celebrate it so everyone works and goes to school; same goes for Christmas. It is not a holiday they recognize here so everyone works and goes to school still. So sad to me, but we will be home for Christmas this year, so that will be nice. Anyways back to Thanksgiving dinner... I asked Lloyd to get off by 6 pm. He is a good husband and got off at 6 so we could go eat some REAL Thanksgiving dinner. We had heard about an American restaurant that serves a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving night here. So we made reservations and ate a real turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, carrots, cranberry sauce, rolls, ham, and a cheesecake. Although we did not have a pie to finish it off, the cheesecake did it justice for this year! It felt good to be eating that food, even though it was not near as good as my moms Thanksgiving dinner. It was fun to go out and not have to prepare anything, but to eat real Thanksgiving food. Thank you "Early Bird Diner" for a fantastic dinner.

our Thanksgiving dinner

Love this handsome man.

Man, I am one lucky gal.

SO... Thanksgiving was a success, plus we had another homemade Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and Sunday with the branch. That was even more excellent because it was all homemade from our branch members and missionaries. Mmmmmm!! Hope everyone had a happy happy Thanksgiving! Looking forward to Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to have some American food on Thanksgiving :) Can't wait to see you home soon!
